บอร์ดเล่นเพลง mp3 ที่ใช้ชิป VS1053 นี้ค่อยข้างใช้งานได้ง่าย เนื่องจากมีผู้พัฒนา library ให้เรียบร้อยแล้ว การใช้งานนี้ไม่สอนหลักการอะไรมากนะครับ แค่ใช้งานมันได้ก็พอแล้วครับ
พวกรุ่น 1.5.x มันจะมี error: variable 'bitrate_table' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
Error compiling.
* Example for Sparkfun MP3 Shield Library
* By: Bill Porter
* www.billporter.info
* Function:
* This sketch listens for commands from a serial terminal (like the Serial Monitor in
* the Arduino IDE). If it sees 1-9 it will try to play an MP3 file named track00x.mp3
* where x is a number from 1 to 9. For eaxmple, pressing 2 will play 'track002.mp3'.
* A lowe case 's' will stop playing the mp3.
* 'f' will play an MP3 by calling it by it's filename as opposed to a track number.
* Sketch assumes you have MP3 files with filenames like
* "track001.mp3", "track002.mp3", etc on an SD card loaded into the shield.
//Add the SdFat Libraries
//and the MP3 Shield Library
//create and name the library object
SFEMP3Shield MP3player;
SdFat sd;
SdFile file;
byte temp;
byte result;
char title[30];
char artist[30];
char album[30];
void setup() {
result = sd.begin(SD_SEL, SPI_HALF_SPEED);
//boot up the MP3 Player Shield
result = MP3player.begin();
//check result, see readme for error codes.
if(result != 0) {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
Serial.println(" when trying to start MP3 player");
Serial.println("Send a number 1-9 to play a track or s to stop playing");
void loop() {
temp = Serial.read();
Serial.print("Received command: ");
Serial.println(" ");
//if s, stop the current track
if (temp == 's') {
else if (temp >= '1' && temp <= '9'){
//convert ascii numbers to real numbers
temp = temp - 48;
//tell the MP3 Shield to play a track
result = MP3player.playTrack(temp);
//check result, see readme for error codes.
if(result != 0) {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
Serial.println(" when trying to play track");
//we can get track info by using the following functions and arguments
//the functions will extract the requested information, and put it in the array we pass in
//print out the arrays of track information
Serial.write((byte*)&title, 30);
Serial.print("by: ");
Serial.write((byte*)&artist, 30);
Serial.print("Album: ");
Serial.write((byte*)&album, 30);
/* Alterativly, you could call a track by it's file name by using playMP3(filename);
But you must stick to 8.1 filenames, only 8 characters long, and 3 for the extension */
else if (temp == 'f') {
//create a string with the filename
char trackName[] = "track001.mp3";
// char trackName[] = "1.mp3";
//tell the MP3 Shield to play that file
result = MP3player.playMP3(trackName);
//check result, see readme for error codes.
if(result != 0) {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
Serial.println(" when trying to play track");